Akash Bitle

[Akash ~ ]$ neofetch

bitch in front of pc
  • -------------
  • : Akash Bitle
  • : Student / MERN Stack Developer
  • : 30/04/2002
  • : Indian
  • : Male
  • : akashbitle3@gmail.com
  • : Under Graduate
  • : https://bitleakash6.github.io/akash/
  • : India

[Akash ~ ]$

Welcome to AllšŸ¤—
This is Akash Bitle, and I'm a final year student currently Pursuing B-tech in Information Technology.

I have the knowledge of this things that is :
1. Java
2. Programming in Data Structure and algorithm by using Java
3. SQL
4. MERN Stack Development

In future I am highly interested in :
1. Full Stack Developer

To work with a company which appreciates innovation so that I can enhance my knowledge and skills to give my best of the company and also improve my skills.

all hail rick astley